Hiring A Criminal Attorney For Criminal Sexual Conduct 1st-Degree Charge
According to the law in most states worldwide, a suspect would be deemed innocent until proven guilty. However, the suspect has the right to an attorney and a fair trial. He also has the right to be heard and his evidence determined by the court of law. Both the parties to the trial would present their sides of the story along with conclusive proof or evidence. It would be vital for both parties to strengthen their case to win.
In the event, you have been apprehended for a criminal sexual offense. It would be in your best interest to find a reliable and competent attorney having adequate knowledge and understanding of criminal sexual conduct 1st degree cases.
Why Hire A Criminal Sexual Conduct Attorney
However, the greatest implication would occur within the society, as your friends and family might lose respect for you being convicted of a sexual crime, the employers would consider twice before offering a job to you. However, you could avoid these implications in life by looking for a competent and qualified criminal attorney.
Why 1st Degree Criminal Sexual Conduct Is A Grave Offense
It would be worth mentioning here that the 1st degree of criminal sexual conduct has been deemed a grave offense. Rest assured that the offense entails sexual contact with a person of less than thirteen years and the offender should be more than thirty-six months older than the victim. You could also be liable for the 1st degree of criminal sexual conduct if you have had intercourse with the victim, who is between the age of thirteen and sixteen and you happen to be more than forty-eight months older than the victim. Such a heinous crime against children of young age would attract severe or grave penalties.
Hire A Criminal Attorney To Represent You In The Case
In such an event, where the criminal sexual conduct 1st degree has been deemed of grave nature, you would require hiring an experienced criminal sexual conduct attorney to represent you in the case. The attorney would be your best bet to handle your case and save you from severe punishment if proven guilty.
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